A New Beginning Daily

Monday, November 22, 2004

Another Great Week Has passed.

Last week was a super hectic week, but nevertheless, a good week.

On wednesday I met up with a local architect who told me that we approached them at the right time, and the product that I was marketing was something they were looking for. Got to pray for favour as we were a little late in submitting the samples to them as I was away in Malaysia for a Biz meeting.. Hope that despite that, they will still recommend out product to the developer.. anyway, after that met up with Raymond and some of his colleagues for dinner at suntec.. had a good time.. and one of them is going to be coming back to church!! IN time lah.. most importantly.. no pressure.. our walk with God is individual. everyone must make their own choices.. my CGL always say.. no pressure, no pressure.. haha.. we all had a good time together and thankful to Raymond for asking me .. hahha..

On thurs, drove up to Kl for a biz presentation which went very well.. met up with the biggest facade contractors in Malaysia and they were quite impressed with what they saw. So thank God for that.. cos if you guys dunno, the ceramic materials that I'm selling is like the louis vuitton or Gucci and Prada of ceramics... so it's good but expensive.. dun cater to the normal crowd.. but praying that God to give us a biz breakthrough in Malaysia... I really believe that as we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.. all else will be added to us.. i believe the biz opportunites that the company is getting at the moment is coming as a result of the heart to win the lost, and the faith action of bringing them into the House of God....

Dad cum Boss hasn't exactly been like super happy with me for several reasons which I should not mention.. but it's been tough.. but I guess he was silently pleased with the presentation in KL and the knowledge that I have with our products.. but like any typical Chinese Dad.. not a word of praise or encouragement...haha.. but it's ok.. i know he loves me.. it's like this unspoken thing between a chinese family father and son.. you know?

On saturday, I went for a makeup cellgroup in Bedok.. and I met these 2 teenage guys, newcomers..they were really open and friendly and stuff.. we had a great time talking about everything... and I felt that God was using me to integrate them into the House of God, although i was not in that CG, i did all that I could to make them feel welcomed... it's not about which CG right? It's about people.. i've seen lots of people in Church when u tell them so and so is a new friend from another cell, they just ignore them, cos it's not their "CG" friend.. Argh!!! come on!! wake up!!! you've got it all wrong man... really wrong..

Sometimes during big days and you go all out to invite friends to come for the service or your members invite their friends to come for service, and when the friends are here, some of the members just sit there and talk to the other members, completely ignoring the new friends, why will people believe that the House of God is full of loving and caring people?? When they travel all the the way, sometimes to Jurong, just to be ignored.. and ostracised by the very people who's God has told them to love one another as Jesus loved them... Ok, of course I'm only talking about a minority and my members are not like that.. ( I'm being Nice)

Opps I was supposed to be talking about the goodness of God hoh...hehe.. anyway.. I was on my way to meet Raymond, Emily and my dear for dinner, then at Bugis, I bumped into another friend that used to attend church for a while but not anymore.. I invited him to join us for dinner as he knew ray and joelle.. a few days before I met him, it just happened that I was doing some research on Digital Cameras.. and looking indepth at some of the newer cameras and features.. When i met this friend, we shall call him mr A.. haha. anyway.. Mr A had been doing research as photography was his passion.. and immediately, we hit it off and went on and on about cameras for the longest time.. haha.. but I realised that it was by no coincidence that somehow I was reading up on the very same digicam model that he was looking at .. it was a God incident.. I really thank God for that as it was a miracle to first meet him , then have a chance for all of us to fellowship during dinner.. and even arrange an outing in 2 weeks time where our members can continue to sow into his life.. God is good!!

Sat was a long day.. after the dinner, I had to go to Bruce's house to do a presentation for wil n Jess's wedding next weekend.. I'm the 2nd photograher.. stress ah.. hahha..anyway back to the presentation.. bruce was initially using Flash to create the presentation.. but we figured that we were running out of time.. so at 3am in the morning.. we aborted whatever we had done and switched to Powerpoint.. haha.. I left his place around 5am inthe morning as I had to be at church later in the morning to attend service with another 2 friends..

It was a good service from 1130am to 130pm.. after that we all went for lunch at chinatown where my cgl, his lovely wife and baby zac went too.. it was a good time of fellowship as well and I'm praying for them to be integrated .. not becos my cg will have 2 more members.. but becos I know that their lives will be changed .. and they will be so much happier living a more purposeful life full of love, hope and Joy!!!

after that went over to Bruce's house to carry on working on the presentation.. we finshed at 2 plus am in the morning .. it was not fantastic.. but i guess, it was above average for amateurs lah...haha.. took a cab back home... and went to sleep around 3 plus.. spent so much money on cabs and midnight cabs these 2 days.. argh.... but I sowed into the offering, so believe GOd will bless me financially!!

This week is going to be an extremely long week.. long... tonight i will finally get to spend some time with Joelle.. did not get to spend anytime with her the whole weekend.. sigh.. sob..
Tuesday night, bible study.. wed thurs I will be in Kl again.. hopefully i will be back in time for some wedding planning for the groom and his entourage on thurs night.. fri night service... sat wedding program starts around 6 in the morning till past midnight on sun.. argh... super packed week.. and yes. I still have to work.. haha.. will need God's strength more than ever this week.. haha.. will miss underwater hockey again though.. ok.. now to eat my lunch which is turning cold..

Treasure every moment you have to do all that you can ... you can never relive the past.. So live life to the fullest!!! I hope I can watch the incredibles today.. anyway.. have a great great great week ahead!!! Remember, the Joy of the Lord is your Strength!!!


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